• info@gfsp.com.sa

    08:00am - 05:00pm

  • Hot Line

    +966 13 899 8804






Gulf Falcons Company provides a comprehensive service for security systems, including security surveillance cameras. Below are some of the main aspects of this service:






  • Selection and Installation

We provide advice and assistance in choosing the appropriate security surveillance cameras based on the client’s needs and requirements. The company ensures that these cameras are installed correctly in strategic locations to achieve optimal coverage


  • Integration with other security systems

Integration with security systems
Security cameras integrate seamlessly with other security systems, such as access control and alarm systems, to provide a harmonious and effective security solution.


  • Remote monitoring

Gulf Falcons enables cameras to be monitored remotely, allowing customers to access live feeds and watch recordings from anywhere, enhancing real-time situational awareness.


  • Regular maintenance and technical support

The company provides periodic maintenance services to ensure the continuity and performance of the cameras on an ongoing basis. In addition, technical support is provided to address any issues immediately.

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